Minnie Mouse saves the day!

My last post abo1ut the DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation\) operation was somewhat pessimistic. No cloud of blue smoke, no space buzz from George Jetson, in short – No action. How could I believe this was all going to work? But now: …….

I believe!

What caused this epiphany? Minnie Mouse. Huh? Keep reading Io

rrWhen we were at the second “tuning” session, the neurologist was cranking away at “pulse width” and other electronic ephemera.
in mid-word, I started squeaking like Minnie Mouse, This was not as adorable as it might sound since my chest was also getting tight. The neurologist said “Well, I guess that’s your limit,” and cranked the setting back down. Immediate relief — and the confirmation that my brain controls my body (however imperfectly).

Now I am going through the tedious but necessary process to “try on” all these combinations — every couple days I try a new combo. Some make me very unsteady, some make me feel like I’ve just drunk seven cups of coffee, and some make me feel “calm and positive”. Gotta be ready by my 3rd -and last – tuning appointment .on January 18

May your New Year .be “calm and positive”.



About Laura Kennedy Gould

Laura woke up one morning in June 2012 and "as if by magic", her right hand was tremoring. Diagnosis: Parkinson's. Laura writes about Parkinson's research, Parkinson's people, and her own journey in her blog: "The Magic Trick -- Life with Parkinson's" (https://magictrickparkinsons.wordpress.com/).
This entry was posted in DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation ), Parkinson's Research, Posture, Side Effects. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Minnie Mouse saves the day!

  1. Sheridan Botts says:


    I am glad to hear that you have had some positive results from the DPS. Your last post was discouraging and this one more positive. I look forward to reading further posts as you navigate this road of Parkinson’s.

    Sheridan Botts


  2. Linda Buddenberg Reed says:

    You are articulate, funny and brave. Please keep the updates coming! We expect to see you at the 50th reunion!


  3. niwilson22 says:

    What great news! I’ve been thinking about you and hoping for progress.

    Keep getting better!



  4. Corrie Maxwell says:

    Laura, it was such a pleasure to meet you today! Thank you for sharing your detailed and personal journey. I will continue to read your journey! – Corrie


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